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Showing posts with label Answers- Maternity Nursing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Answers- Maternity Nursing. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


1. Ans. C. The Chorion is the outermost membrane that helps form the placenta. It develops villi and, through its interaction with the endometrium, becomes part of the placenta.
a. The amnion is the inner most lining, from which amniotic fluid is secreted
b. part of the inner structure of the blastocyst and is lined by an inner layer of cells, the endoderm; it is unrelated to placental formation
d. A tuibular diverticulum of the posterior part of the embryo’s yolk sac, it fuses with the chorion to form the placenta
2. Ans. A Progesterone is secreted mainly by the corpus luteum. It helps prepare the endometrium for possibl implantation of a fertilized ovum
B. Adrenal cortex secretions contain only minute quantities of progesterone
C endometrium is influenced by progesterone secretion but does not secrete it.
d. Pituitary gland secretions stimulates the target gland (option A) to secrete progesterone.
3. Ans. D Gestation is divided into 3 stages – blastocyst, embryo and fetus.
a. known as a fetus until birth
b. At the time of implantation the group of developing cells is called blastocyst
c. The fetal heart is heard between the 18 and 20th weeks; known as a fetus at the end of the 8th weeks.

4. Ans. D A determination of the station (descent) of the fetus is based on the relationship of the presenting part and the spine. If too small, delivery can not occur.
a. The measurement of the pelvic floor is not involved with the fetus’ descent into the birth canal
b. ait is a measurement of the pelvic outlet.
c. It is the narrowest measurement

5. Ans. B Progressive dilation of the cervix is the most accurate indication of true labor.
a. Contraction may not begin until 24 to 48 hrs later.
C Contractions of true labor persist in any position
d. Conversely, contractions will increase with activity.

6. Ans. A To allow for the larger intake of air, the normal adaptation is to increase the size of the thoracic cavity.
B. There is no change in the size of the rib cage
C. Upward displacement would decrease tidal air volume
D. Blood volume is not related to tidal air volume.

7. Ans. D By this time, the fetus and placenta have grown expanding the size of the uterus. The extended uterus expands into the abdominal cavity.
A. & C The Uterus is still in the pelvic area.
B. The uterus has already risen out of the pelvis and is expanding further into the abdominal are.

8. Ans. B About 75% of all spontaneous abortions take place between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation and show embryonic defects.
A. Though possible, physical trauma rarely causes an abortion
C. Unresolved stress may lead to congenital defects but is rarely associated with abortions.
D. Congenital defects are asymptomatic during pregnancy and do not usually cause abortion.
9. Ans. A. The amnion encloses the embryo and the shock-protective amniotic fluid in which the embryo floats.
The yolk sac contains the stored nutrients of the ovum
The chorion is the outer most membrane; does not secrete fluid
This is another name for umbilical cord.
10. Ans. D The word originates from the Middle English word QUICK, which means alive.
A. The bouncing of the fetus in the amniotic fluid against the examiner’s hand.
B. Is when the presenting part is at the level of the ischial spine
C. The descent of the fetus into the birth canal.
11. Ans. D This is the period in which the fetus stores deposits of fats.
A. This is the period of the blastocyst, when initial cell division takes place.
B. The period of organogenesis, when cells differentiate into major organ systems.
C. Growth is occurring, but fat deposition does not occur in this perio.
12. Ans. D Progesterone stimulates differentiation of the endometrium into a secretory type of tissue
A. Secondary male characteristics are influenced by testosterone
B. Influenced by high levels of LH
C. Influenced by estrogen

13. Ans. A Because mothering is not an inborn instinct, almost all mothers, including multiparas, report some ambivalence and anxiety about their ability to be good mothers.
B. False; very often the maternal instinct is nurtured at the sight of the infant
C. False; ambivalent feelings are universal in response to the infant
D. False; may take a much longer time.

14. Ans. A. Perinatal morbidity and mortality are greatly increased in multiple pregnancy because of the high metabolic demands increase the potential for medical and obstetrical complication
B. aternal mortality during the prenatal period is not increased in the presence of multiple gestation.
C. Multiple gestation is usually identified prior to delivery; the mother would have this time for adjustment.
D. Although post partum hemorrhage does occur more frequently after multiple births, it is not a routine occurrence.

15. Ans. B This is the result of a reduced chromosome number from 46 to 23; ready for sex cells fertilization
A. The diploid number (46 chromosomes) is reached when fertilization occurs.
C. They each have one set of chromosomes
D. They are only 23 pairs.

16. Ans. B. FHS is secreted from the APG
A. Secreted by the trophoblastic tissue; which makes up part of the placenta
C Precursor of progesterone and is screted by the trophoblastic tissue
D. Produced by syncytiotrophoblastic tissue, a preplacental tissue
17. Ans. B When placental formation is complete, around the 12th week of pregnancy, it produces progesterone and estrogen.
A. FSH is secreted by the anterior hypophysis, but it is not secreted during pregnancy.
C. This is not the chief source of progesterone and progesterone. Only small amounts are secreted.
D. The corpus luteum supplies the estrogen and progesterone needed to sustain the pregnancy nuntil the placenta is ready to take over.
18. Ans. C The umbiulical vein carries blood high in O2 from the placenta and empties it into the fetal vena cava by way of the ductus venosus.
A. The blood in the umbilical artery is more deoxygenated
B. Contains a mixture of arterial and venous blood
D. Carries only a small amount of oxygenated blood since the lungs are not functioning.
19. Ans. A There is a 30 to 50% increase in maternal blood volume at the end of the 1st trimester, leading to a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and erythrocytes
B. This is not physiologic but it is caused by lack of iron intake.
C. increased
D. Unchanged during pregnancy
20. Ans. A the greatest danger of drug-induced malformation is during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, this is the period of organogenesis
B. May cause problems but organogenesis has already taken place.
C. Fetus is already formed by this time. Drug damage would not be likely.
D. Drugs should be avoided, 1st trimester is most critical
21. Ans. A A symptom of sudden rupture of a fallopian tube is pain on the affected side, usually, sudden excruciating, and spreading over the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain is asstd with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
B. Pain is exquisite, sharp and sudden
C. There maybe some vaginal bleeding with ruptured tubal pregnancy; usually, severe pain is present.
D. There is no contractions sine the pregnancy is not uterine.
22. Ans. B The proliferation tissue filled causes the uterus to enlarge more quickly than it would with a normally growing fetus.
A. There maybe slight vaginal bleeding without pain.
C. HTN, not hypotension often occurs with the molar pregnancy.
D. There is generally no living fetus with H Mole.

23. Ans. A During pregnancy, secretion of milk is inhibited, sucking can cause uterine contractions.
B. Breastfeeding is not always contraindicated
With this disorder
C. Breastfeeding is not contraindicated with inverted nipples, since a breast shield can provide mild suction to help out a nipple.
D. Not always contraindicated, the baby already has the organism in the mouth, and nursing will decrease the mother’s discomfort.

24. Ans. C. Toxemia does not interfere with uterine involution, return of uterine tone, or constriction of vessels at the placental site.
A. Overdistention of the uterus may lead to delayed, or poor uterine myometrial contraction at the placental site after delivery.
B. Retained placenta inhibits uterine myometrial contractions, also manual removal of placenta may cause uterine trauma.
D. May inhibit myometrial contraction of the uterus at the placental site.
25. Ans. A Immaturity of the diaphragm and the intercostals and abdominal musculature inhibits adequate ventilation, which causes lung expansion to be inadequate; consequently the infant must use tremendous effort.
B. Cyanosis is a later manifestation; more common with congenital heart defects
C. Normal in newborn
D. Occurs when the baby is chilled or cold.

26. Ans. A HTN in toxemia leads to vasospasms, this in turn causes the placenta to tear away from the uterine wall.
B. Generally does not affect the circulation to the placenta.
C. May caue endocrine disturbance in the infant but does not affect the blood supply to the uterus.
D. This may affect the delivery of the fetus but does not affect the placenta.
27. Ans. A Overdistention of the uterus because of a large baby, multiple gestation or hydramnios predispose a woman to uterine atony, which may cause post partum hemorrhage.
B. Unless uterine atony is present, hemorrhage should not occur, a grand multipara is at risk for placenta previa.
C. This leads to precipitous delivery (potentially harmful to the fetus) but does not affect uterine contractions after delivery.
D. Not a factor in involution of the uterus.
28. Ans. B In a breech delivery, the head is not the presenting part bearing the brunt of the pressure against the pelvic floor during delivery.
A. May occur if there is difficulty in delivering the head after the body is born
C. the cord may prolapse; and pressure of the baby can cause cord compression resulting in fetal hypoxia.
D. this commonly occur in breach deliveries
29. Ans. B. Observation and record keeping of bleeding are independent nursing actions and necessary for implementing safe care, since hemorrhage and shock can be life threatening.
A. The client should be restricted to bed rest until bleeding stops
C. V/S should be checked more often if bleeding persist
D. This is absolutely forbidden , since it may cause further separation of the placenta.

30. Ans. B Fallopian tube is unable to contain and sustain a pregnancy to term; as the fertilized ovum grows, there is excessive stretching or rupture of the fallopian tube causing pain.
A. Pain is sudden, intense, knifelike, and usually located on one side.
C. Maybe indicative of vaginal or bladder infection
D. This would be difficult for the client to identify correctly.

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