
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Exam Strategies: Last-Minute Prep Tips for Cracking the Code

Last-Minute Prep Tips for Cracking the Code

Here are some final pointers that will help you make the most of your examination.

  1. Remember to plan ahead. Save some time to go back through your exam. You may find an answer to a question in the context of another question later in the exam.
  2. Guess. You should when there is not a penalty for guessing and when you simply cannot employ any of the other strategies we discussed previously. Randomly guessing should be a last ditch effort.
  3. Do not guess. If you are penalized for guessing, do not guess if you do not have a solid reason or cannot eliminate most of the wrong answers. Sounds contradictory, does it not? The point is, have a strategy.
  4. Find hints throughout your test. Look for answers in the test to questions you skip, so you can make stronger guesses. 
  5. Change your first answers if need be.Only do so if you have a solid reason for doing so. 
  6. Look for the best answers. Keep in mind that you are always looking for the BEST answer, not a right answer. There is always the possibility that there is more than one possible answer. 
  7. Look for good phrasing. This helps you find the obvious best answers and eliminate poor answers. 
  8. When reviewing answers, look for obvious distractors. Usually there is at least one, which will eliminate wrong answers quickly and easily. 
  9. Eat something light before your test.Do not eat heavy foods that will bog you down and cause you to feel sleepy. Try something that will supply you with much-needed energy. A protein shake is a great idea. 
  10. Relax. Remember, you can do this! 

With the test-taking tips in this guide, you will master your examination. Go into your test confidently. You can and will succeed!

1 comment:

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