
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Nursing Practice Test V part II with answer

Nursing Practice Test V part II with answer

51. The patient who suffers panic attacks is prescribed
a medication for short-term therapy. The nurse
prepares to administer.
a. Elavil
b. Librium
c. Xanax
d. Mellaril

52. In attempting to control a patient who is suffering
panic attack, the nursing priority is:
a. Provide safely
b. Hold the patient
c. Describe crisis in detail
d. Demonstrate ADLs frequently

53. Which assessment would the nurse most likely find
in a person who is suffering increased anxiety?
a. Increasing BP, increasing heart rate and respirations
b. Decreasing BP, heart rate and respirations
c. Increased BP and decreased respirations
d. Increased respirations and decreased heart rate

54. A patient who suffers an acute anxiety disorder
approaches the nurse and while clutching at his shirt
states "I think I'm having a heart attack." The priority
nursing action is:
a. Reassure him he is OK
b. Take vital signs stat
c. Administer Valium IM
d. Administer Xanax PO

55. In teaching stress management, the goal of therapy
is to:
a. Get rid of the major stressor
b. Change lifestyle completely
c. Modify responses to stress
d. Learn new ways of thinking

56. Another client walks in to the mental health
outpatient center and States, "I've had it. I can't go on
any longer. You've got to help me. "The nurse asks the
client to be seated in a private interview room. Which
action should the nurse take next?
a. Reassure the client that someone will help him soon
b. Assess the client's insurance coverage
c. Find out more about what is happening to the client
d. Call the client's family to come and provide support

57. Mr. Juan is admitted for panic attack. He frequently
experiences shortness of breath, palpitations, nausea,
diaphoresis, and terror. What should the nurse include
in the care plan for Mr. Juan? When he is shaving a
panic attack?
a. Calm reassurance, deep breathing and medications as
b. Teach Mr. Juan problem solving in relation to his
c. Explain the physiologic responses of anxiety
d. Explore alternate methods for dealing with the cause
of his anxiety

58. Ms. Wendy is pacing about the unit and wringing
his hands. She is breathing rapidly and complains of
palpitations and nausea, and she has difficulty focusing
on what the nurse is saying. She says she is having a
heart attack but refuses to rest. The nurse would
interpret her level of anxiety as:
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Severe
d. Panic

59. When assessing this client, the nurse must be
particularly alert to:
a. Restlessness
b. Tapping of the feet
c. Wringing of the hands
d. His or her own anxiety level
Situation: Raul aged 70 was recently admitted to a
nursing home because of confusion, disorientation, and
negativistic behavior. Her family states that Raul is in
good health. Raul asks you, "Where am I?"

60. Another patient, Mr. Pat, has been brought to the
psychiatric unit and is pacing up and down the hall. The
nurse is to admit him to the hospital. To establish a
nurse-client relationship, which approach should the
nurse try first?
a. Assign someone to watch Mr. Pat until he is calm
b. Ask Mr. Pat to sit down and orient him to the nurse's
name and the need for information
c. Check Mr. Pat's vital signs, ask him about allergies, and
call the physician for sedation
d. Explain the importance of accurate assessment data
to Mr. Pat .

61. If Raul will say "I'm so afraid! Where I am? Where is
my family'?" How should the nurse respond?
a. "You are in the hospital and you're safe here. Your
family will return at 10 o'clock, which is one hour from
b. "You know were you are. You were admitted here 2
weeks ago. Don’t worry your family will be back soon."
c. "I just told you that you're in the hospital and your
family will be here soon."
d. "The name of the hospital is on the sigh over the door.
Let's go read it again."

62. Raul has had difficulty sleeping since admission.
Which of the following would be the best intervention?
a. Provide him with glass of warm milk
b. Ask the physician for a mild sedative
c. Do not allow Raul to take naps during the day
d. Ask him family what they prefer

63. Which activity would you engage in Raul at the
nursing home?
a. Reminiscence groups
b. Sing-along
d. Discussion groups
c. Exercise class

64. Which of the following would be an appropriate
strategy in reorienting a confused client to where her
room is?
a. Place pictures of her family on the bedside stand
b. Put her name in large letters on her forehead
c. Remind the client where her room is
d. Let the other residents know where the client’s room

65. The best response for the nurse to make is:
a. Don't worry, Raul. You're safe here
b. Where do you think you are?
c. What did your family tell you?
d. You're at the community nursing home

Situation: The police bring a patient to the emergency
department. He has been locked in his apartment for the
past 3 days, making frequent calls to the police and
emergency services and stating that people are trying to
kill him.

66. A client on an inpatient psychiatric unit refuses to
eat and states that the staff is poisoning her food.
Which action should the nurse include in the client's
care plan?
a. Explain to the client that the staff can be trusted
b. Show the client that others eat the food without harm
c. Offer the client factory-sealed foods and beverages
d. Institute behavioral modification with privileges
dependent on intake

67. The client tells the nurse that he can't eat because
his food has been poisoned. This statement is an
indication of which of the following?
a. Paranoia
b. Delusion of persecution
c. Hallucination
d. Illusion

68. The client on antipsychotic drugs begins to exhibit
signs and symptoms of which disorder?
a. Akinesia
b. Pseudoparkinsonism
c. Tardive dyskinesia
d. Oculogyric crisis

69. During a patient history, a patient state that she
used to believe she was God. But she knows this isn't
true. Which of the following would be your best
a. "Does it bother you that you used to believe that
about yourself?"
b. "Your thoughts are now more appropriate"
c. "Many people have these delusions."
d. "What caused you to think you were God?"

70. The nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing
auditory hallucination. What would be most crucial for
the nurse to assess?
a. Possible hearing impairment
b. Family history of psychosis
c. Content of the hallucination
d. Otitis media

71. A patient with schizophrenia reports that the
newscaster on the radio has a divine message
especially for her. You would interpret this as
a. Loose of associations
b. Delusion of reference
c. Paranoid speech
d. Flight of ideas

72. What type of delusions is the patient experiencing?
a. Persecutory
b. Grandiose
c. Jealous
d. Somatic

Situation: Helen, with a diagnosis of disorganized
schizophrenia is creating a disturbance in the day room.
She is yelling and pointing at another patient, accusing
him to stealing her purse. Several patients are in the day
room when this incident starts.

73. The nurse is preparing to care for a client diagnosed
with catatonic schizophrenia. In anticipation of this
client's arrival, what should the nurse do?
a. Notify security
b. Prepare a magnesium sulfate drip
c. Place a specialty mattress overlay on the bed
d. Communicable the client's nothing-by-mouth status to
the dietary department

74. The nurse is caring for a client whom she suspects is
paranoid. How would the nurse confirm this
a. indirect questioning
b. Direct questioning
c. Les-ad-in-sentences
d. Open-ended sentences

75. Which of the following is an example of a negative
symptom of schizophrenia?
a. Delusions
b. Disorganized speech
c. Flat affect
d. Catatonic behavior

76. The patient tells you that a "voice" keeps laughing
at him and tells him he must crawl on his hands and
knees like a dog. Which of the following would be the
most appropriate response?
a. "They are imaginary voices and we're here to make
them go, away."
b. "If it makes you feel better, do what the voices tell
c. "The voices can't hurt you here in the hospital"
d. "Even though I don't hear the voices, I understand that
you do."

77. A 23-year-old patient is receiving antipsychotic
medication to treat his schizophrenia. He's
experiencing some motor abnormalities called
extrapyramidal effects. Which of the following
extrapyramidal effects occurs most frequently in
younger make patients?
a. Akathisia
b. Akinesia
c. Dystonia
d. Pseudoparkinsonism

78. Which of the following should you do next?
a. Firmly redirect the patient to her room to discuss the
b. Call the assistance and place the patient in locked
c. Help the patient look for her purse
d. Don't intervene - the patients need a little bit of room
in which to work out differences
Situation: John is admitted with a diagnosis of paranoid

79. You're reaching a community group about
schizophrenia disorders. You explain the different types
of schizophrenia and delusional disorders. You also
explain that, unlike schizophrenia, delusional disorders:
a. Tend to begin in early childhood
b. Affect more men than women
c. Affect more women than men
d. May be related to certain medical conditionsa

80. A patient with schizophrenia (catatonic type) is
mute and can't perform activities of daily living. The
patient stares out the window for hours. What is your
first priority in this situation?
a. Assist the patient with feeding
b. Assist the patient with showering and tasks for
c. Reassure the patient about safely, and try to orient
him to his surroundings
d. Encourage, socialization with peers, and provide a
stimulating environment

81. Which of the following would you suspect in a
patient receiving Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) who
complains of a sore throat and has a fever?
a. An allergic reaction
b. Jaundice
c. Dyskinesia
d. Agranulocytosis

82. While providing information for the family of a
patient with schizophrenia, you should be sure to
inform them about which of the following
characteristics of the disorder?
a. Relapse can be prevented if the patient takes
b. Support is available to help family members meet
their own needs
c. Improvement should occur if the patient's
environment is carefully maintained
d. Stressful situations in the family in the family can
precipitate a relapse in the patient

83. While caring for John, the nurse knows that John
may have trouble with:
a. Staff who are cheerful
b. Simple direct sentences
c. Multiple commands
d. Violent behaviors

84 Which nursing diagnosis is most likely to be
associated with a person who has a medical diagnosis
of schizophrenia, paranoid type?
a. Fear of being along
b. Perceptual disturbance related to delusion of
c. Social isolation related to impaired ability to trust
d. Impaired social skills related to inadequate developed

85. Which of the following behaviors can the nurse
anticipate with this client?
a. Negative cognitive distortions
b. Impaired psychomotor development
c. Delusions of grandeur and hyperactivity
d. Alteration of appetite and sleep pattern

Situation: A client is admitted to the hospital. During the
assessment the nurse notes that the client has not slept
for a week. The client is talking rapidly, and throwing his
arms around randomly.

86. When writing an assessment of a client with mood
disorder, the nurse should specify:
a. How flat the client's affect
b. How suicidal the client is
c. How grandiose the client is
d. How the client is behaving

87. It is an apprehensive anticipation of an unknown
a. Fear
b. Anxiety
c. Antisocial
d. Schizoid

88. It is an, emotional response to a consciously
recognized threat.
a. Fear
b. Anxiety
c. Antisocial
d. Schizoid

89. All but one is an example of situational crisis:
a. Menstruation
b. Role changes
c. Rape
d. Divorce

90. What would be the highest priority in formulating a
nursing care plan for this client?
a. Isolate the client until he or she adjusts to 'the
b. Provide nutritious food and a quite place to rest
c. Protect the client and others from harm
d. Create a structured environment
Situation: Wendell, 24 year-old student with a primary
sleep disorder, is unable to initiate maintenance of
sleep. Primary sleep disorders may be categorized as
dyssomnias or parasomnias.

91. The nurse is caring for a client who complains; of
fat?gue, inability to concentrate, and palpitations. The
client stales that she has been experiencing these
symptoms for the past 6 months. Which factor in the
client’s history has most likely contributed to.these
a. History of recent fever
b. Shift work
c. Hyperthyroidism
d. Fear

92. If Wendell complains of experiencing an
overwhelming urge to sleep and states that he's been
falling asleep while studying and reports that these
episodes occur about 5 times daily Wendell is most
likely experiencing which sleep disorder?
a. Breathing-related sleep disorder
b. Narcolepsy
c. Primary hypersomnia
d. Circadian rhythm disorder

93. The nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client
diagnosed with primary insomnia. Which of the
following teaching topics should be included in the
a. Eating unlimited spicy foods, and limiting caffeine and
b. Exercising 1 hour before bedtime to promote sleep
c. Importance of steeping whenever the client tires
d. Drinking warm milk before bed to induce sleep

94. Examples of dyssomnia includes:
a. Insomnia, hypersomnia, narcolepsy
b. Sleepwalking, nightmare
c. Snoring while sleeping
d. Non-rapid eye movement
Situation: The following questions refer to therapeutic

95. When preparing to conduct group therapy, the
nurse keeps in mind that the optimal number of clients
in a group would be:
a. 6 to 8
b. 10 to 12
c. 3 to 5
d. Unlimited

96. What occurs during the working phase of the-nurseclient
a. The nurse assesses the client's needs and develops a
plan of care
b. The nurse and client together evaluate and modify
the goals of the relationship
c. The nurse and client discuss their feelings about
terminating the relationship
d. The nurse and client explore each other's expectations
of-the relationship

97. A 42 year-old homemaker arrives at the emergency
department with uncomfortable crying and anxiety.
Her husband of 17 years has recently asked her for a
divorce. The patient is sitting in a chair, rocking back
and forth. Which is the best response for the nurse to
a. "You must stop crying so that we can discuss your
feelings about the divorce."
b. "Once you find a job, you will feel much better and
more secure."
c. "I can see how upset you are. Let's sit in the office so
that we can talk about how you're feeling."
d. "Once you have a lawyer looking out for your
interests, you will feel better."

98. A client on the unit tells the nurse that his wife's
nagging really gets on his nerves. He asks the nurse if
she will talk with his wife about nagging during their
family session tomorrow afternoon. Which of the
following would be most therapeutic response to
a. "Tell me more specifically about her complaints"
b. "Can you think why she might nag you so much?"
c. "I'll help you think about how to bring this up
yourself tomorrow."
d. "Why do you want me to initiate this discussion in
tomorrow's session rather than you?"

99. The nurse is working with a client who has just
stimulated her anger by using a condescending tone of
voice. Which of the following responses by the nurse
would be the most therapeutic?
a. "I feel angry when I hear that tone of voice"
b. "You make me so angry when you talked to me that
c. "Are you trying to make me angry?"
d. "Why do you use that condescending tone of voice
with me?"

100. A 35 year-old client tells the nurse that he never
disagrees with anyone and that he has loved everyone
he's ever known. What would be the nurse's best
response to this client?
a. "How do you manage to do that?"
b. "That's hard to believe. Most people couldn't to that."
c. "What do you do with your feelings of dissatisfaction
or anger?"

d. "How did you come to adopt such a way of life?"

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