
Saturday, June 8, 2013


Situation: Mariah is a 31 year old lawyer who has been
married for 6 months. She consults you for guidance in
relation with her menstrual cycle and her desire to get

1. She wants to know the length of her menstrual
cycle. Her previous menstrual period is October
22 to 26. Her LMB is November 21. Which of the
following number of days will be your correct
A. 29
B. 28
C. 30
D. 31

2. You advised her to observe and record the signs
of Ovulation. Which of the following signs will
she likely note down?
1. A 1 degree Fahrenheit rise in basal body
2. Cervical mucus becomes copious and
3. One pound increase in weight
4. Mittelschmerz
A. 1, 2, 4
B. 1, 2, 3
C. 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 3, 4

3. You instruct Mariah to keep record of her basal
temperature every day, which of the following
instructions is incorrect?
A. If coitus has occurred; this should be
reflected in the chart
B. It is best to have coitus on the evening
following a drop in BBT to become
C. Temperature should be taken
immediately after waking and before
getting out of bed
D. BBT is lowest during the secretory

4. She reports an increase in BBT on December 16.
Which hormone brings about this change in her
A. Estrogen
B. Gonadotropine
C. Progesterone
D. Follicle stimulating hormone

5. The following month, Mariah suspects she is
pregnant. Her urine is positive for Human
chorionic gonadotrophin. Which structure
produces Hcg?
A. Pituitary gland
B. Trophoblastic cells of the embryo
C. Uterine deciduas
D. Ovarian follicles

Situation: Mariah came back and she is now pregnant.
6. At 5 month gestation, which of the following
fetal development would probably be achieve?
A. Fetal movement are felt by Mariah
B. Vernix caseosa covers the entire body
C. Viable if delivered within this period
D. Braxton hicks contractions are observed

7. The nurse palpates the abdomen of Mariah.
Now At 5 month gestation, What level of the
abdomen can the fundic height be palpated?
A. Symphysis pubis
B. Midpoint between the umbilicus and the
xiphoid process
C. Midpoint between the symphysis pubis
and the umbilicus
D. Umbilicus

8. She worries about her small breasts, thinking
that she probably will not be able to breastfeed
her baby. Which of the following responses of
the nurse is correct?
A. “The size of your breast will not affect
your lactation”
B. “You can switch to bottle feeding”
C. “You can try to have exercise to increase
the size of your breast”
D. “Manual expression of milk is possible”

9. She tells the nurse that she does not take milk
regularly. She claims that she does not want to
gain too much weight during her pregnancy.
Which of the following nursing diagnosis is a
A. Potential self-esteem disturbance
related to physiologic changes in
B. Ineffective individual coping related to
physiologic changes in pregnancy
C. Fear related to the effects of pregnancy
D. Knowledge deficit regarding nutritional
requirements of pregnancies related to
lack of information sources

10. Which of the following interventions will likely
ensure compliance of Mariah?
A. Incorporate her food preferences that
are adequately nutritious in her meal
B. Consistently counsel toward optimum
nutritional intake
C. Respect her right to reject dietary
information if she chooses
D. Inform her of the adverse effects of
inadequate nutrition to her fetus

Situation: Susan is a patient in the clinic where you work.
She is inquiring about pregnancy.
11. Susan tells you she is worried because she
develops breasts later than most of her friends.
Breast development is termed as:
A. Adrenarche
B. Thelarche
C. Mamarche
D. Menarche

12. Kevin, Susan’s husband tells you that he is
considering vasectomy After the birth of their
new child. Vasectomy involves the incision of
which organ?
A. The testes
B. The epididymis
C. The vas deferens
D. The scrotum
13. On examination, Susan has been found of having
a cystocele. A cystocele is:
A. A sebaceous cyst arising from the vulvar fold
B. Protrusion of intestines into the vagina
C. Prolapse of the uterus into the vagina
D. Herniation of the bladder into the
vaginal wall

14. Susan typically has menstrual cycle of 34 days.
She told you she had coitus on days 8, 10, 15 and
20 of her menstrual cycle. Which is the day on
which she is most likely to conceive?
A. 8th day
B. Day 15
C. 10th day
D. Day 20

15. While talking with Susan, 2 new patients arrived
and they are covered with large towels and the
nurse noticed that there are many cameraman
and news people outside of the OPD. Upon
assessment the nurse noticed that both of them
are still nude and the male client’s penis is still
inside the female client’s vagina and the male
client said that “I can’t pull it”. Vaginismus was
your first impression. You know that The
psychological cause of Vaginismus is related to:
A. The male client inserted the penis too
deeply that it stimulates vaginal closure
B. The penis was too large that is why the
vagina triggered its defense to attempt
to close it
C. The vagina does not want to be
D. It is due to learning patterns of the
female client where she views sex as
bad or sinful

Situation: Overpopulation is one problem in the
Philippines that causes economic drain. Most Filipinos
are against in legalizing abortion. As a nurse, Mastery of
contraception is needed to contribute to the society and
economic growth.

16. Supposed that Dana, 17 years old, tells you she
wants to use fertility awareness method of
contraception. How will she determine her
fertile days?
A. She will notice that she feels hot, as if
she has an elevated temperature.
B. She should assess whether her cervical
mucus is thin, copious, clear and
C. She should monitor her emotions for
sudden anger or crying
D. She should assess whether her breasts
feel sensitive to cool air

17. Dana chooses to use COC as her family planning
method. What is the danger sign of COC you
would ask her to report?
A. A stuffy or runny nose
B. Slight weight gain
C. Arthritis like symptoms
D. Migraine headache

18. Dana asks about subcutaneous implants and she
asks, how long will these implants be effective.
Your best answer is:
A. One month
B. Five years
C. Twelve months
D. 10 years

19. Dana asks about female condoms. Which of the
following is true with regards to female
A. The hormone the condom releases
might cause mild weight gain
B. She should insert the condom before
any penile penetration
C. She should coat the condom with
spermicide before use
D. Female condoms, unlike male condoms,
are reusable

20. Dana has asked about GIFT procedure. What
makes her a good candidate for GIFT?
A. She has patent fallopian tubes, so
fertilized ova can be implanted on them
B. She is RH negative, a necessary
stipulation to rule out RH incompatibility
C. She has normal uterus, so the sperm can
be injected through the cervix into it
D. Her husband is taking sildenafil, so all
sperms will be motile
Situation: Nurse Lorena is a Family Planning and
Infertility Nurse Specialist and currently attends to
The following conditions pertain to meeting the nursing
needs of this particular population group.

21. Dina, 17 years old, asks you how a tubal ligation
prevents pregnancy. Which would be the best
A. Prostaglandins released from the cut
fallopian tubes can kill sperm
B. Sperm cannot enter the uterus because
the cervical entrance is blocked.
C. Sperm can no longer reach the ova,
because the fallopian tubes are blocked
D. The ovary no longer releases ova as
there is nowhere for them to go.

22. The Dators are a couple undergoing testing for
infertility. Infertility is said to exist when:
A. A woman has no uterus
B. A woman has no children
C. A couple has been trying to conceive for 1 year
D. A couple has wanted a child for 6

23. Another client named Lilia is diagnosed as having
endometriosis. This condition interferes with
fertility because:
A. Endometrial implants can block the
fallopian tubes
B. The uterine cervix becomes inflamed
and swollen
C. The ovaries stop producing adequate
D. Pressure on the pituitary leads to
decreased FSH levels

24. Lilia is scheduled to have a
hysterosalphingogram. Which of the following
instructions would you give her regarding this
A. She will not be able to conceive for 3
months after the procedure
B. The sonogram of the uterus will reveal
any tumors present
C. Many women experience mild bleeding
as an after effect
D. She may feel some cramping when the
dye is inserted

25. Lilia’s cousin on the other hand, knowing nurse
Lorena’s specialization asks what artificial
insemination by donor entails. Which would be
your best answer if you were Nurse Lorena?
A. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally
into the uterus or cervix
B. Donor sperm are injected intraabdominally
into each ovary
C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally to
test tubal patency
D. The husband’s sperm is administered
intravenously weekly
Situation: You are assigned to take care of a group of
patients across the lifespan.

26. Pain in the elder persons requires careful
assessment because they:
A. experienced reduce sensory perception
B. have increased sensory perception
C. are expected to experience chronic pain
D. have a decreased pain threshold

27. Administration of analgesics to the older persons
requires careful patient assessment because
older people:
A. are more sensitive to drugs
B. have increased hepatic, renal and
gastrointestinal function
C. have increased sensory perception
D. mobilize drugs more rapidly

28. The elderly patient is at higher risk for urinary
incontinence because of:
A. increased glomerular filtration
B. decreased bladder capacity
C. diuretic use
D. dilated urethra

29. Which of the following is the MOST COMMON
sign of infection among the elderly?
A. decreased breath sounds with crackles
B. pain
C. fever
D. change in mental status

30. Priorities when caring for the elderly trauma
A. circulation, airway, breathing
B. airway, breathing, disability (neurologic)
C. disability (neurologic), airway, breathing
D. airway, breathing, circulation

31. Preschoolers are able to see things from which
of the following perspectives?
A. Their peers
B. Their own and their mother’s
C. Their own and their caregivers’
D. Only their own

32. In conflict management, the win-win approach
occurs when:
A. There are two conflicts and the parties
agree to each one
B. Each party gives in on 50% of the
disagreements making up the conflict
C. Both parties involved are committed to
solving the conflict
D. The conflict is settled out of court so the
legal system and the parties win

33. According to the social-interactional perspective
of child abuse and neglect, four factors place the
family members at risk for abuse. These risk
factors are the family members at risk for abuse.
These risk factors are the family itself, the
caregiver, the child, and
A. The presence of a family crisis
B. The national emphasis on sex
C. Genetics
D. Chronic poverty

34. Which of the following signs and symptoms
would you most likely find when assessing and
infant with Arnold-Chiari malformation?
A. Weakness of the leg muscles, loss of
sensation in the legs, and restlessness
B. Difficulty swallowing, diminished or
absent gag reflex, and respiratory
C. Difficulty sleeping, hypervigilant, and an
arching of the back
D. Paradoxical irritability, diarrhea, and

35. A parent calls you and frantically reports that her
child has gotten into her famous ferrous sulfate
pills and ingested a number of these pills. Her
child is now vomiting, has bloody diarrhea, and is
complaining of abdominal pain. You will tell the
mother to:
A. Call emergency medical services (EMS)
and get the child to the emergency room
B. Relax because these symptoms will pass
and the child will be fine
C. Administer syrup of ipecac
D. Call the poison control center

36. A client says she heard from a friend that you
stop having periods once you are on the “pill”.
The most appropriate response would be:
A. “The pill prevents the uterus from
making such endometrial lining, that is
why periods may often be scant or
skipped occasionally.”
B. “If your friend has missed her period,
she should stop taking the pills and get a
pregnancy test as soon as possible.”
C. “The pill should cause a normal
menstrual period every month. It
sounds like your friend has not been
taking the pills properly.”
D. “Missed period can be very dangerous
and may lead to the formation of
precancerous cells.”

37. The nurse assessing newborn babies and infants
during their hospital stay after birth will notice
which of the following symptoms as a primary
manifestation of Hirschsprung’s disease?
A. A fine rash over the trunk
B. Failure to pass meconium during the
first 24 to 48 hours after birth
C. The skin turns yellow and then brown
over the first 48 hours of life
D. High-grade fever

38. A client is 7 months pregnant and has just been
diagnosed as having a partial placenta previa.
She is stable and has minimal spotting and is
being sent home. Which of these instructions to
the client may indicate a need for further
A. Maintain bed rest with bathroom
B. Avoid intercourse for three days.
C. Call if contractions occur.
D. Stay on left side as much as possible
when lying down.

39. A woman has been rushed to the hospital with
ruptured membrane. Which of the following
should the nurse check first?
A. Check for the presence of infection
B. Assess for Prolapse of the umbilical
C. Check the maternal heart rate
D. Assess the color of the amniotic fluid

40. The nurse notes that the infant is wearing a
plastic-coated diaper. If a topical medication
were to be prescribed and it were to go on the
stomachs or buttocks, the nurse would teach the
caregivers to:
A. avoid covering the area of the topical
medication with the diaper
B. avoid the use of clothing on top of the
C. put the diaper on as usual
D. apply an icepack for 5 minutes to the
outside of the diaper

41. Which of the following factors is most important
in determining the success of relationships used
in delivering nursing care?
A. Type of illness of the client
B. Transference and counter transference
C. Effective communication
D. Personality of the participants

42. Grace sustained a laceration on her leg from
automobile accident. Why are lacerations of
lower extremities potentially more serious
among pregnant women than other?
A. lacerations can provoke allergic
responses due to gonadotropic hormone
B. a woman is less able to keep the
laceration clean because of her fatigue
C. healing is limited during pregnancy so
these will not heal until after birth
D. increased bleeding can occur from
uterine pressure on leg veins

43. In working with the caregivers of a client with an
acute or chronic illness, the nurse would:
A. Teach care daily and let the caregivers
do a return demonstration just before
B. Difficulty swallowing, diminished or
absent gag reflex, and respiratory
C. Difficulty sleeping, hypervigilant, and an
arching of the back
D. Paradoxical irritability, diarrhea, and

44. Which of the following roles BEST exemplifies
the expanded role of the nurse?
A. Circulating nurse in surgery
B. Medication nurse
C. Obstetrical nurse
D. Pediatric nurse practitioner

45. According to DeRosa and Kochura’s (2006)
article entitled “Implement Culturally Competent
Health Care in your work place,” cultures have
different patterns of verbal and nonverbal
communication. Which difference does?
A. NOT necessarily belong?
B. Personal behavior
C. Subject matter
D. Eye contact
E. Conversational style

46. You are the nurse assigned to work with a child
with acute glomerulonephritis. By following the
prescribed treatment regimen, the child
experiences a remission. You are now checking
to make sure the child does not have a relapse.
Which finding would most lead you to the
conclusion that a relapse is happening?
A. Elevated temperature, cough, sore
throat, changing complete blood count
(CBC) with diiferential
B. A urine dipstick measurement of 2+
proteinuria or more for 3 days, or the
child found to have 3-4+ proteinutria
plus edema.
C. The urine dipstick showing glucose in the
urine for 3 days, extreme thirst, increase
in urine output, and a moon face.
D. A temperature of 37.8 degrees (100
degrees F), flank pain, burning
frequency, urgency on voiding, and
cloudy urine.

47. The nurse is working with an adolescent who
complains of being lonely and having a lack of
fulfillment in her life. This adolescent shies away
from intimate relationships at times yet at other
times she appears promiscuous. The nurse will
likely work with this adolescent in which of the
following areas?
A. Isolation
B. Lack of fulfillment
C. Loneliness
D. Identity

48. The use of interpersonal decision making,
psychomotor skills, and application of
knowledge expected in the role of a licensed
health care professional in the context of public
health welfare and safety is an example of:
A. Delegation
B. Responsibility
C. Supervision
D. Competence

49. The painful phenomenon known as “back labor”
occurs in a client whose fetus in what position?
A. Brow position
B. Breech position
C. Right Occipito-Anterior Position
D. Left Occipito-Posterior Position

50. FOCUS methodology stands for:
A. Focus, Organize, Clarify, Understand
and Solution
B. Focus, Opportunity, Continuous, Utilize,
C. Focus, Organize, Clarify, Understand,
D. Focus, Opportunity, Continuous
(process), Understand, Solution

1 comment:

  1. InFebruary 2017, my immune system was not functioning correctly and my primarycare physician did a N.A.E.T. Treatment with Laser Acupuncture andAuricular Acupuncture to try to desensitize my body from the differentallergies and allergies to the metals. This procedure began to make me drained and very fatigued.  He recommended that I have a GI Stool testdone as I was having GI issues in February 2017, to check for parasites,pathogens, bacterial flora, and fungi/yeasts. The results showed that I had a Bacterial Pathogen called Salmonella,high amounts of normal bacterial flora, called Enterococcus spp. andEscherichia spp., 2 parasites called Dientamoeba fragilis and Endolimax nana, and2 types of fungi/yeasts called Candida spp. and Geotrichum spp.   The doctor recommended that I take Dr Itua Herbal Medicine to get rid of the Candida as that was the main concern at thetime and I did purchase Dr Itua Herbal Medicine and after taking it all as instructed I was totally cured so is a urged form of heart to believe in herbal medicines but yes indeed natural remedies should be recognize around the globe because is the only healing that has no side effect on each every healing, I will recommend anyone here with health challenge to contact Dr Itua Herbal Center on E-Mail he capable of all kind of disease like Cancer,Hiv,Herpes,Kidney disease,Parkinson,ALS,Copd. with a complete cure without coming back.
