
Monday, March 4, 2013

Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers Study Guide part 1

Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare
Providers Study
Guide part 1

 Adult CPR
1-Rescuer CPR Sequence
􀂅 check for responsiveness
􀂅 if no response, activate 911 and get the AED
􀂅 open the airway
􀂅 look, listen, & feel for breathing
􀂅 no breathing, give 2 breaths
􀂅 check carotid pulse
􀂅 no pulse, begin chest compressions
􀂅 continue 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the AED arrives, ALS takes over, or the victim moves

􀂄 Take 5-10 seconds to check for breathing and pulse
􀂄 Ensure chest rises with each breath
􀂄 Place hands in the center of the chest for compressions
􀂄 Allow chest to recoil completely or return to its normal position
􀂄 Compression rate: 100/minute
􀂄 Compress 1 1/2 to 2 inches

Child CPR 
1-Rescuer CPR Sequence
􀂅 check for responsiveness
􀂅 yell for help but don't leave the victim
􀂅 open the airway
􀂅 look, listen, & feel for breathing
􀂅 no breathing, give 2 breaths
􀂅 check carotid pulse
􀂅 no pulse, begin chest compressions
􀂅 continue 30 compressions and 2 breaths for 5 cycles or 2 minutes
􀂅 if still no response, activate 911 and get the AED

􀂄 Take 5-10 seconds to check for breathing and pulse
􀂄 Ensure chest rises with each breath
􀂄 Place hands in the center of the chest for compressions
􀂄 Use1 or 2 hands for compressions
􀂄 Allow chest to recoil completely
􀂄 Compression rate: 100/minute
􀂄 Compress 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest
􀂄 Phone 911 after 5 cycles of CPR if you are alone

Infant CPR 
1-Rescuer CPR Sequence
􀂅 check for responsiveness
􀂅 yell for help but don't leave the victim
􀂅 open the airway
􀂅 look, listen, & feel for breathing
􀂅 no breathing, give 2 breaths
􀂅 check brachial pulse
􀂅 no pulse, begin chest compressions
􀂅 continue 30 compressions and 2 breaths for 5 cycles or 2 minutes
􀂅 if still no response, activate 911

􀂄 Take 5-10 seconds to check for breathing and pulse
􀂄 Ensure chest rises with each breath
􀂄 Perform compressions using 2 fingers placed 1 finger width below the nipple line
􀂄 Allow chest to recoil completely
􀂄 Compression rate: 100/minute
􀂄 Compress 1/3 the depth of the chest
􀂄 Phone 911 after 5 cycles of CPR if you are alone
􀂄 No AED use for infants

2-Rescuer CPR

                                          ADULT               CHILD                INFANT
and Ventilation                    30:2                15:2                          15:2
Ratio with 2

The compression and ventilation ratio changes when performing 2-rescuer CPR on children and infants.

Infant 2-rescuer CPR
The rescuer performing chest
compressions will switch to the two thumbencircling
hand technique.


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