
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


31. The most common symptom of congenital rubella syndrome that follows infection in the mother during the 1st trimester is:
a. hydrocephalus c. cardiac anomaly
b. phocomelia d. otosclerosis

32. Closure of the foramen ovale after birth is caused by:
a. decrease in the aortic blood flow
b. an increase in the pulmonary blood flow
c. a decrease in the pressure in the left atrium
d. an increase in the pressure in the right atrium

33. After birth in a normal neonate, the ductus arteriosus becomes the:
a. ligamentum teres
b. venous ligament
c. ligamentum arteriosum
d. superior vesical artery

34. An infant’s intestine are sterile at birth, therefore, lacking the bacteria necessary for the synthesis of:
a. prothrombin c. intrinsic factor
b. bile salts d. billirubin

35. The finding that would probably necessitate intense follow-up care of a new born would be:
a. an initial Apgar score of 5
b. a birth weight of 3500 g
c. the aspiration of 20 ml of milky colored fluid from the newborn’s stomach

36. During pregnancy, the uterine musculature hypertrophies and is greatly stretched as the fetus grows. This stretching:
a. by itself inhibits uterine contraction until oxytocin stimulates the birth process
b. is prevented from stimulating uterine contraction by high levels of estrogen during late pregnancy
c. inhibits uterine contraction along with the combined inhibitory effects of estrogen and progesterone
d. would ordinarily stimulate uterine contraction but is prevented by high levels of progesterone during pregnancy

37. During pregnancy, a polypeptide similar to the adrenal steroids is responsible for:
a. symptoms of morning sickness
b. urinary frequency
c. linea nigra and chloasma
d. softening of the cervix

38. A normal woman who had a hemophilic father is mated to a man with normal blood clotting. Genetically, it can be predicted that:
a. all children will be hemophiliacs
b. half the male children will be hemophiliacs
c. all male children will be hemophiliacs
d. female children will be unaffected.

39. Oral contraceptives during menopause:
a. prolongs menses
b. intensify menopausal symptom
c. cause menorrhagia
d. have no effect on menopause

40. Hot flushes are caused by:
a. overstimulation of the adrenal medulla
b. accumulation of acetylcholine
c. cessation of pituitary gonadotropins
d. hormonal stimulation of the sympathetic system

41. Ans. C The lack of utilization of gonadotropin by the ovaries causes the elevation of gonadotropin in the blood; ovarian function is diminished; there is little or no follicular activity.
A. There would be a decrease in the secretion of progesterone.
B. There would be an increase in prostaglandin
D. There would be an increase in gonadotropin in the blood, for it is not used by the ovaries.
42. Ovulation occurs when the:
a. blood level of LH is high
b. endometrial wall is sloughed off
c. progesterone level is high
d. oxytocin level is high

43. High concentration of estrogen in the blood:
a. causes ovulation
b. inhibits anterior pituitary secretion of FSH
c. is one of the causes of osteoporosis
d. stimulates lactation

Situation: Mrs U delivers a baby spontaneously.
44. The primary critical observation for Apgar scoring is the:
a. respiratory rate
b. heart rate
c. presence of meconium
d. evaluation of moro reflex

45. Within 3 minutes after birth, the normal heart rate of the infant may range between:
a. 100 and 180 c. 120 and 160
b. 130 and 170 d. 100 and 130

46. Within the same period, the normal respiratory rate maybe as high as:
a. 100 b. 80 c. 60 d. 50
47. Ans. C Injury to the brachial plexus, clavicle or humerus prfevents the abductive ad adductive movements of the upper extremities.
A. These injuries usually cause a symmetric loss of the moro reflex
B. Not usually asstd; however, if the cochlea is undeveloped or the 8th cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear) were injured , it would affect equilibrium and response to the test
D. Children with Down Syndrome exhibit a normal moro reflex.

48. Ans. C Individual twins usually grow at the same rate as singletonsuntil 30 to 32 weekas gestation, then twins don’t gain weight as rapidly as singletons of the same gestational age. The placenta can no longer keep pace with the nutritional requirements of both fetuses after 32 weeks, so there is some growth retardation in twins if they remain in utero at 38 to 40 weeks
49. Which of the ff. classifications applies to monozygotic twins for whom the cleavage of the fertilized ovum occurs more than 13 days after fertilization?
a. conjoined twins
b. diamniotic dichorionic twins
c. diamniotic monochrionic twins
d. monoamniotic monochorionic twins

50. A client with painless vaginal bleeding has been diagnosed as having placenta previa. Which of the ff. procedures is usually performed to diagnosed placenta previa?
a. amniocentesis
b. digital examination
c. external fetal monitoring
d. ultrasound

51. A 21 yr old has just been diagnosed with having H mole. Which of the ff. factors is considered a risk factor for developing H-mole?
a. age in 20s or 30s
b. high socioeconomic status
c. primigravida
d. prior molar gestation

52. Which of the ff. changes in respiratory functioning during pregnancy is considered normal?
a. ↑ tidal volume
b. ↑ expiratory volume
c. ↓ inspiratory capacity
d. ↓ O2 consumption

53. Which of the ff. conditions is common in pregnant clients in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?
a. mastitis c. physiologic anemia
b. metabolic alkalosis d. respiratory acidosis

54. Which of the ff. cardiac conditions is normal during pregnancy?
a. cardiac tamponade c. endocarditis
b. heart failure d. systolic murmur

57. Gravida refers to which of the ff. descriptions?
a. a serious pregnancy
b. number of times a female has been pregnant
c. number of children a female has delivered
d. number of term pregnancies a female has had

58. A 32 yr old woman has her 1st prenantal visit at 15 weeks gestation. Which finding during this visit is abnormal?
a. fundal height of 18 cm
b. BP 124/72mmHg
c. urine negative for protein
d. weight of 144 lb

59. Pregnancy causes multiple body changes that are normal but can cause discomfort. Which change does not normally occur during the first trimester?
a. hemorrhoids c. breast tenderness
b. ↑ vaginal discharge d. fatigue

60. Which of the ff. conditions is not diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound during the prenatal period?
a. fetal presentation c. maternal diabetes
b. fetal heart activity d. amniotic fld. Volume

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