31. Answer: B Rationale: Community Organizing is a process by which people, health services and agencies of the community are brought together to learn about the common problems, identify these problems as their own, plan the kind of action needed to solve these problems and act on this basis. Its goal is community development (option A). It can be applied to increase the awareness of the community (option C). It is also a process for increasing organization and initiating responsible action (option D). Option B is incorrect because it sets up action pattern to solve problems, not a never-ending process once started.
32. Answer: B Rationale: Community Organizing as a continuous sustained process for community development involves the process of Education, Organization and Mobilization.
33. Answer: D Rationale: Participatory action research pertains to a problem identification that involves the community or group experiencing the problem (option A). It is a method of data gathering determined by local culture and innovativeness (option B). The use of research results is within the full control of the people (option C). It is not done by an outsider.
34. Answer: C Rationale: Core group is the manageable units of the community to facilitate service delivery and people's participation.
35. Answer: B Rationale: The reason why community organizers need to phase out from the community is to enable the people to exercise self-reliance. People are given a chance to study their problems, offer solutions and give a chance to plan an action.
36. Answer: C Rationale: Community Organizing is a process by which people, health services and agencies of the community are brought together to learn about the common problems (option A), identify these problems as their own (option D), plan the kind of action needed to solve these problems (option B) and act on this basis.
37. Answer: ARationale: The primary principle involved in community organization is planning group needs to represent all people concerned and the discussion must include people with technical knowledge of health problems.
38. Answer: D Rationale: Fact finding is the basic method that serves to identify needs, determine the extent to which the basic needs are met and make known gaps and overlaps in existing services. This will also help health workers to bring about the adjustment between need and resources.
39. Answer: B Rationale: The initial step when the nurse gained entry in the community is gathering initial information about the community from other members of the RHU or from records and reports.
40. Answer: B Rationale: When integrating with the people, it is crucial for the nurse to reside in his/her area of assignment. This is the first act of integrating with the people. Living with them will give the nurse an in depth participation in community health problems and needs
41. Answer: C Rationale: The proper sequencing of steps in data processing are as follows: Data collection, data collation, data presentation or tabulation, and data analysis.
42.Answer: D Rationale: Major factors affecting population include the following: Mortality or the number of deaths, Birth rates and even Migration or movement of people from one locality to another. Morbidity doesn't affect population change because it only determines the number of people acquiring diseases or illnesses.
43. Answer: A Rationale: Sporadic is an epidemiological event that is intermittent in nature and confined to a certain geographical area or locality.
44. Answer: D Rationale: Crude death rate is a measure of one mortality from all causes which may result in a decease of population. The formula of CDR is: total number of deaths registered in a given calendar year (e.g., 500 in 2008) divided by the estimated population as of the same year (e.g., 70,000 in July 1, midyear) multiplied by 1,000.
45. Answer: D Rationale: Prevalence rate measures the proportion of the population which exhibits a particular disease at a particular time. This can only be determined following a survey of the population concerned. It deals with the total (old and new) number of cases. The formula of PR is: Total number of cases of a disease (old + new) at a given time divided by the estimated population examined at same given time multiplied by 100.
46. Answer: C Rationale: The vision of the Department of Health is “The leader, staunch advocate and model in promoting Health for All in the Philippines”. Option A is the old vision of the DOH. Option B is the underlying theme of Primary Health Care (PHC).
47. Answer: D Rationale: The goal of the DOH is Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA), with the National Objectives for Health (NOH) serving as the road map for all stakeholders in health. The following are the rationale or reasons for health sector reform: Slowing down in the reduction of both Infant (IMR) and Maternal (MMR) Mortality Rates (option A); Persistence of large variations in health status across population groups and geographic areas; Rising burden from chronic, degenerative diseases and high burden from infectious diseases (option B); Unattended emerging health risks from environmental and work related factors (option C); Burden of disease is heaviest on the poor, not the affluent (option D).
48. Answer: B Rationale: The specific role of the DOH based on Executive Order 102 are as follows: Leadership in health (option A); Enabler and capacity builder (option C); and Administrator of specific services (option D).
49. Answer: C Rationale: The Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) utilizes FOURmula ONE for Health as its framework having four components such as health financing, health regulation, health service delivery and good governance. The goals of FOURmua ONE for Health are as follows: Better health outcomes (option A); More responsive health systems (option B); and Equitable health care financing (option D).
50. Answer: B Rationale: The 8 Millennium Development Goals are based on the fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, health, respect for nature, and shared responsibility. All four options are part of the MDGs, however, only option B (Promote gender equality and empower women) is not health related.
51. Answer: A Rationale: Republic Act 7160 is the Local Government Code of 1991. Under this law, all structures, personnel, and budgetary allocations from national health level down to the barangays were devolved to the local government units to facilitate health service delivery. Option B is the Anti-Child Abuse Law (R.A. 7610). Option C pertains to the adoption of the Primary Health Care in the Philippines (LOI 949). Options D contains the roles and functions of the DOH (EO 102).
52. Answer: C
Rationale: Devolution made local government executives responsible to operate local health services. The legitimate body in the LGU which is in-charge for the operations of health services is known as the Local Health Board.
53. Answer: B Rationale: In the local health system, clustering of municipalities through complementation of stakeholders is done to reintegrate hospital and public health service for a holistic delivery of health services resulted in the creation of Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ). Each ILHZ has a defined population within a defined geographical area and comprises a central referral hospital and a number of primary level facilities such as RHUs and Barangay Health Station.
54. Answer: D Rationale: The four components of ILHZ include people, boundaries, health facilities, and health workers. In terms of population, the number of people may vary from zone to zone. According to the WHO, the ideal health district would have a population size between 100,000 to 500,000 for optimum efficiency and effectiveness
55. Answer: C Rationale: Each center controls a portion of health care system as part of its political and administrative mandate. The Rural Health Units (RHUs), Barangay Health Stations (BHSs) and Health Centers are controlled by the Municipal or City government.
56. Answer: A Rationale: The Environmental and Occupational Health Office (EOHO) is responsible for the promotion of health environmental conditions and prevention of environmental related diseases.
57. Answer: A Rationale: Point Source or Level I water supply facilities are protected wells or developed springs with an outlet but without a distribution system. Communal faucet system and Stand Posts (option B and C) are level II water supply facilities composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network and communal faucets, located at not more than 25 meters from the farthest house. Waterworks system (option D) or Individual House Connections are level III water supply facilities composed of a system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network and household taps. This type requires a minimum treatment or disinfection.
58. Answer: A Rationale: Level I toilet facilities include pour flush toilet and aqua privies (non-water carriage toilet facility). No water is necessary to wash the waste into the receiving space. Level II toilet facilities (option B) are on site toilet facilities of the water carriage type with water-sealed and flush type with septic tank/vault disposal facilities. Level III toilet facilities (option C) are water carriage type or toilet facilities connected to septic tanks and/or sewerage system to treatment plant. There is no Level IV toilet facility.
59.Answer: B Rationale: The four rights in food safety include the following: Right source; Right preparation; Right Cooking; and Right Storage.
60. Answer: A
Rationale: Hospital waste management program is an important requirement for registration and renewal of licenses of newly constructed and existing hospitals.
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