
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

TEST V - Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations part 2

TEST V - Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations part 2

51. Which nursing intervention would be most
appropriate if a male client develop orthostatic
hypotension while taking amitriptyline (Elavil)?
a. Consulting with the physician about
substituting a different type of
b. Advising the client to sit up for 1 minute
before getting out of bed.
c. Instructing the client to double the
dosage until the problem resolves.
d. Informing the client that this adverse
reaction should disappear within 1

52. Mr. Cruz visits the physician's office to seek
treatment for depression, feelings of
hopelessness, poor appetite, insomnia, fatigue,
low self- esteem, poor concentration, and
difficulty making decisions. The client states that
these symptoms began at least 2 years ago.
Based on this report, the nurse Tyfany suspects:
a. Cyclothymic disorder.
b. Atypical affective disorder.
c. Major depression.
d. Dysthymic disorder.

53. After taking an overdose of phenobarbital
(Barbita), Mario is admitted to the emergency
department. Dr. Trinidad prescribes activated
charcoal (Charcocaps) to be administered by
mouth immediately. Before administering the
dose, the nurse verifies the dosage ordered.
What is the usual minimum dose of activated
a. 5 g mixed in 250 ml of water
b. 15 g mixed in 500 ml of water
c. 30 g mixed in 250 ml of water
d. 60 g mixed in 500 ml of water

54. What herbal medication for depression, widely
used in Europe, is now being prescribed in the
United States?
a. Ginkgo biloba
b. Echinacea
c. St. John's wort
d. Ephedra

55. Cely with manic episodes is taking lithium.
Which electrolyte level should the nurse check
before administering this medication?
a. Clcium
b. Sodium
c. Chloride
d. Potassium

56. Nurse Josefina is caring for a client who has been
diagnosed with delirium. Which statement about
delirium is true?
a. It's characterized by an acute onset and
lasts about 1 month.
b. It's characterized by a slowly evolving
onset and lasts about 1 week.
c. It's characterized by a slowly evolving
onset and lasts about 1 month.
d. It's characterized by an acute onset and
lasts hours to a number of days.

57. Edward, a 66 year old client with slight memory
impairment and poor concentration is diagnosed
with primary degenerative dementia of the
Alzheimer's type. Early signs of this dementia
include subtle personality changes and
withdrawal from social interactions. To assess
for progression to the middle stage of
Alzheimer's disease, the nurse should observe
the client for:
a. Occasional irritable outbursts.
b. Impaired communication.
c. Lack of spontaneity.
d. Inability to perform self-care activities.

58. Isabel with a diagnosis of depression is started
on imipramine (Tofranil), 75 mg by mouth at
bedtime. The nurse should tell the client that:
a. This medication may be habit forming
and will be discontinued as soon as the
client feels better.
b. This medication has no serious adverse
c. The client should avoid eating such
foods as aged cheeses, yogurt, and
chicken livers while taking the
d. This medication may initially cause
tiredness, which should become less
bothersome over time.

59. Kathleen is admitted to the psychiatric clinic for
treatment of anorexia nervosa. To promote the
client's physical health, the nurse should plan to:
a. Severely restrict the client's physical
b. Weigh the client daily, after the evening
c. Monitor vital signs, serum electrolyte
levels, and acid-base balance.
d. Instruct the client to keep an accurate
record of food and fluid intake.

60. Celia with a history of polysubstance abuse is
admitted to the facility. She complains of nausea
and vomiting 24 hours after admission. The
nurse assesses the client and notes piloerection,
pupillary dilation, and lacrimation. The nurse
suspects that the client is going through which of
the following withdrawals?
a. Alcohol withdrawal
b. Cannibis withdrawal
c. Cocaine withdrawal
d. Opioid withdrawal

61. Mr. Garcia, an attorney who throws books and
furniture around the office after losing a case is
referred to the psychiatric nurse in the law firm's
employee assistance program. Nurse Beatriz
knows that the client's behavior most likely
represents the use of which defense
a. Regression
b. Projection
c. Reaction-formation
d. Intellectualization

62. Nurse Anne is caring for a client who has been
treated long term with antipsychotic medication.
During the assessment, Nurse Anne checks the
client for tardive dyskinesia. If tardive dyskinesia
is present, Nurse Anne would most likely
a. Abnormal movements and involuntary
movements of the mouth, tongue, and
b. Abnormal breathing through the nostrils
accompanied by a “thrill.”
c. Severe headache, flushing, tremors, and
d. Severe hypertension, migraine

63. Dennis has a lithium level of 2.4 mEq/L. The
nurse immediately would assess the client for
which of the following signs or symptoms?
a. Weakness
b. Diarrhea
c. Blurred vision
d. Fecal incontinence

64. Nurse Jannah is monitoring a male client who
has been placed inrestraints because of violent
behavior. Nurse determines that it will be safe to
remove the restraints when:
a. The client verbalizes the reasons for the
violent behavior.
b. The client apologizes and tells the nurse
that it will never happen again.
c. No acts of aggression have been
observed within 1 hour after the release
of two of the extremity restraints.
d. The administered medication has taken

65. Nurse Irish is aware that Ritalin is the drug of
choice for a child with ADHD. The side effects of
the following may be noted by the nurse:
a. Increased attention span and
b. Increase in appetite
c. Sleepiness and lethargy
d. Bradycardia and diarrhea

66. Kitty, a 9 year old child has very limited
vocabulary and interaction skills. She has an I.Q.
of 45. She is diagnosed to have Mental
retardation of this classification:
a. Profound
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Severe

67. The therapeutic approach in the care of Armand
an autistic child include the following EXCEPT:
a. Engage in diversionary activities when
acting -out
b. Provide an atmosphere of acceptance
c. Provide safety measures
d. Rearrange the environment to activate
the child

68. Jeremy is brought to the emergency room by
friends who state that he took something an
hour ago. He is actively hallucinating, agitated,
with irritated nasal septum.
a. Heroin
b. Cocaine
c. LSD
d. Marijuana         

69. Nurse Pauline is aware that Dementia unlike
delirium is characterized by:
a. Slurred speech
b. Insidious onset
c. Clouding of consciousness
d. Sensory perceptual change

70. A 35 year old female has intense fear of riding an
elevator. She claims “ As if I will die inside.” The
client is suffering from:
a. Agoraphobia
b. Social phobia
c. Claustrophobia
d. Xenophobia

71. Nurse Myrna develops a counter-transference
reaction. This is evidenced by:
a. Revealing personal information to the
b. Focusing on the feelings of the client.
c. Confronting the client about
discrepancies in verbal or non-verbal
d. The client feels angry towards the nurse
who resembles his mother.

72. Tristan is on Lithium has suffered from diarrhea
and vomiting. What should the nurse in-charge
do first:
a. Recognize this as a drug interaction
b. Give the client Cogentin
c. Reassure the client that these are
common side effects of lithium therapy
d. Hold the next dose and obtain an order
for a stat serum lithium level

73. Nurse Sarah ensures a therapeutic environment
for all the client. Which of the following best
describes a therapeutic milieu?
a. A therapy that rewards adaptive
b. A cognitive approach to change behavior
c. A living, learning or working
d. A permissive and congenial environment

74. Anthony is very hostile toward one of the staff
for no apparent reason. He is manifesting:
a. Splitting
b. Transference
c. Countertransference
d. Resistance

75. Marielle, 17 years old was sexually attacked
while on her way home from school. She is
brought to the hospital by her mother. Rape is
an example of which type of crisis:
a. Situational
b. Adventitious
c. Developmental
d. Internal

76. Nurse Greta is aware that the following is
classified as an Axis I disorder by the Diagnosis
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Text
Revision (DSM-IV-TR) is:
a. Obesity
b. Borderline personality disorder
c. Major depression
d. Hypertension

77. Katrina, a newly admitted is extremely hostile
toward a staff member she has just met, without
apparent reason. According to Freudian theory,
the nurse should suspect that the client is
experiencing which of the following
a. Intellectualization
b. Transference
c. Triangulation
d. Splitting               

78. An 83year-old male client is in extended care
facility is anxious most of the time and
frequently complains of a number of vague
symptoms that interfere with his ability to eat.
These symptoms indicate which of the following
a. Conversion disorder
b. Hypochondriasis
c. Severe anxiety
d. Sublimation

79. Charina, a college student who frequently visited
the health center during the past year with
multiple vague complaints of GI symptoms
before course examinations. Although physical
causes have been eliminated, the student
continues to express her belief that she has a
serious illness. These symptoms are typically of
which of the following disorders?
a. Conversion disorder
b. Depersonalization
c. Hypochondriasis
d. Somatization disorder

80. Nurse Daisy is aware that the following
pharmacologic agents are sedative- hypnotic
medication is used to induce sleep for a client
experiencing a sleep disorder is:
a. Triazolam (Halcion)
b. Paroxetine (Paxil)\
c. Fluoxetine (Prozac)
d. Risperidone (Risperdal)

81. Aldo, with a somatoform pain disorder may
obtain secondary gain. Which of the following
statement refers to a secondary gain?
a. It brings some stability to the family
b. It decreases the preoccupation with the
physical illness
c. It enables the client to avoid some
unpleasant activity
d. It promotes emotional support or
attention for the client        

82. Dervid is diagnosed with panic disorder with
agoraphobia is talking with the nurse in-charge
about the progress made in treatment. Which of
the following statements indicates a positive
client response?
a. “I went to the mall with my friends last
b. “I’m hyperventilating only when I have a
panic attack”
c. “Today I decided that I can stop taking
my medication”
d. “Last night I decided to eat more than a
bowl of cereal”

83. The effectiveness of monoamine oxidase (MAO)
inhibitor drug therapy in a client with
posttraumatic stress disorder can be
demonstrated by which of the following client
self –reports?
a. “I’m sleeping better and don’t have
b. “I’m not losing my temper as much”
c. “I’ve lost my craving for alcohol”
d. I’ve lost my phobia for water”

84. Mark, with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety
disorder wants to stop taking his lorazepam
(Ativan). Which of the following important facts
should nurse Betty discuss with the client about
discontinuing the medication?
a. Stopping the drug may cause depression
b. Stopping the drug increases cognitive
c. Stopping the drug decreases sleeping
d. Stopping the drug can cause withdrawal

85. Jennifer, an adolescent who is depressed and
reported by his parents as having difficulty in
school is brought to the community mental
health center to be evaluated. Which of the
following other health problems would the nurse
a. Anxiety disorder
b. Behavioral difficulties
c. Cognitive impairment
d. Labile moods

86. Ricardo, an outpatient in psychiatric facility is
diagnosed with dysthymic disorder. Which of the
following statement about dysthymic disorder is
a. It involves a mood range from moderate
depression to hypomania
b. It involves a single manic depression
c. It’s a form of depression that occurs in
the fall and winter
d. It’s a mood disorder similar to major
depression but of mild to moderate

87. The nurse is aware that the following ways in
vascular dementia different from Alzheimer’s
disease is:
a. Vascular dementia has more abrupt
b. The duration of vascular dementia is
usually brief
c. Personality change is common in
vascular dementia
d. The inability to perform motor activities
occurs in vascular dementia

88. Loretta, a newly admitted client was diagnosed
with delirium and has history of hypertension
and anxiety. She had been taking digoxin,
furosemide (Lasix), and diazepam (Valium) for
anxiety. This client’s impairment may be related
to which of the following conditions?
a. Infection
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Drug intoxication
d. Hepatic encephalopathy

89. Nurse Ron enters a client’s room, the client says,
“They’re crawling on my sheets! Get them off
my bed!” Which of the following assessment is
the most accurate?
a. The client is experiencing aphasia
b. The client is experiencing dysarthria
c. The client is experiencing a flight of ideas
d. The client is experiencing visual

90. Which of the following descriptions of a client’s
experience and behavior can be assessed as an
a. The client tries to hit the nurse when
vital signs must be taken
b. The client says, “I keep hearing a voice
telling me to run away”
c. The client becomes anxious whenever
the nurse leaves the bedside
d. The client looks at the shadow on a wall
and tells the nurse she sees frightening
faces on the wall.

91. During conversation of Nurse John with a client,
he observes that the client shift from one topic
to the next on a regular basis. Which of the
following terms describes this disorder?
a. Flight of ideas
b. Concrete thinking
c. Ideas of reference
d. Loose association

92. Francis tells the nurse that her coworkers are
sabotaging the computer. When the nurse asks
questions, the client becomes argumentative.
This behavior shows personality traits associated
with which of the following personality disorder?
a. Antisocial
b. Histrionic
c. Paranoid
d. Schizotypal

93. Which of the following interventions is
important for a Cely experiencing with paranoid
personality disorder taking olanzapine
a. Explain effects of serotonin syndrome
b. Teach the client to watch for
extrapyramidal adverse reaction
c. Explain that the drug is less affective if
the client smokes
d. Discuss the need to report paradoxical
effects such as euphoria

94. Nurse Alexandra notices other clients on the unit
avoiding a client diagnosed with antisocial
personality disorder. When discussing
appropriate behavior in group therapy, which of
the following comments is expected about this
client by his peers?
a. Lack of honesty
b. Belief in superstition
c. Show of temper tantrums
d. Constant need for attention

95. Tommy, with dependent personality disorder is
working to increase his self- esteem. Which of
the following statements by the Tommy shows
teaching was successful?
a. “I’m not going to look just at the
negative things about myself”
b. “I’m most concerned about my level of
competence and progress”
c. “I’m not as envious of the things other
people have as I used to be”
d. “I find I can’t stop myself from taking
over things other should be doing”

96. Norma, a 42-year-old client with a diagnosis of
chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia lives in a
rooming house that has a weekly nursing clinic.
She scratches while she tells the nurse she feels
creatures eating away at her skin. Which of the
following interventions should be done first?
a. Talk about his hallucinations and fears
b. Refer him for anticholinergic adverse
c. Assess for possible physical problems
such as rash
d. Call his physician to get his medication
increased to control his psychosis

97. Ivy, who is on the psychiatric unit is copying and
imitating the movements of her primary nurse.
During recovery, she says, “I thought the nurse
was my mirror. I felt connected only when I saw
my nurse.” This behavior is known by which of
the following terms?
a. Modeling
b. Echopraxia
c. Ego-syntonicity
d. Ritualism

98. Jun approaches the nurse and tells that he hears
a voice telling him that he’s evil and deserves to
die. Which of the following terms describes the
client’s perception?
a. Delusion
b. Disorganized speech
c. Hallucination
d. Idea of reference

99. Mike is admitted to a psychiatric unit with a
diagnosis of undifferentiated schizophrenia.
Which of the following defense mechanisms is
probably used by mike?
a. Projection
b. Rationalization
c. Regression
d. Repression

100. Rocky has started taking haloperidol (Haldol).
Which of the following instructions is most
appropriate for Ricky before taking
a. Should report feelings of restlessness or
agitation at once
b. Use a sunscreen outdoors on a yearround
c. Be aware you’ll feel increased energy
taking this drug
d. This drug will indirectly control essential


TEST V - Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations part 1

TEST V - Care of Clients with Physiologic and
Psychosocial Alterations part 1

1. Mr. Marquez reports of losing his job, not being
able to sleep at night, and feeling upset with his
wife. Nurse John responds to the client, “You
may want to talk about your employment
situation in group today.” The Nurse is using
which therapeutic technique?
a. Observations
b. Restating
c. Exploring
d. Focusing

2. Tony refuses his evening dose of Haloperidol
(Haldol), then becomes extremely agitated in the
dayroom while other clients are watching
television. He begins cursing and throwing
furniture. Nurse Oliver first action is to:
a. Check the client’s medical record for an
order for an as-needed I.M. dose of
medication for agitation.
b. Place the client in full leather restraints.
c. Call the attending physician and report
the behavior.
d. Remove all other clients from the

3. Tina who is manic, but not yet on medication,
comes to the drug treatment center. The nurse
would not let this client join the group session
a. The client is disruptive.
b. The client is harmful to self.
c. The client is harmful to others.
d. The client needs to be on medication

4. Dervid, an adolescent boy was admitted for
substance abuse and hallucinations. The client’s
mother asks Nurse Armando to talk with his
husband when he arrives at the hospital. The
mother says that she is afraid of what the father
might say to the boy. The most appropriate
nursing intervention would be to:
a. Inform the mother that she and the
father can work through this problem
b. Refer the mother to the hospital social
c. Agree to talk with the mother and the
father together.
d. Suggest that the father and son work
things out.

5. What is Nurse John likely to note in a male client
being admitted for alcohol withdrawal?
a. Perceptual disorders.
b. Impending coma.
c. Recent alcohol intake.
d. Depression with mutism.

6. Aira has taken amitriptyline HCL (Elavil) for 3
days, but now complains that it “doesn’t help”
and refuses to take it. What should the nurse say
or do?
a. Withhold the drug.
b. Record the client’s response.
c. Encourage the client to tell the doctor.
d. Suggest that it takes a while before
seeing the results.

7. Dervid, an adolescent has a history of truancy
from school, running away from home and
“barrowing” other people’s things without their
permission. The adolescent denies stealing,
rationalizing instead that as long as no one was
using the items, it was all right to borrow them.
It is important for the nurse to understand the
psychodynamically, this behavior may be largely
attributed to a developmental defect related to
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Oedipal complex

8. In preparing a female client for electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT), Nurse Michelle knows that
succinylcoline (Anectine) will be administered
for which therapeutic effect?
a. Short-acting anesthesia
b. Decreased oral and respiratory
c. Skeletal muscle paralysis.
d. Analgesia.

9. Nurse Gina is aware that the dietary implications
for a client in manic phase of bipolar disorder is:
a. Serve the client a bowl of soup, buttered
French bread, and apple slices.
b. Increase calories, decrease fat, and
decrease protein.
c. Give the client pieces of cut-up steak,
carrots, and an apple.
d. Increase calories, carbohydrates, and

10. What parental behavior toward a child during an
admission procedure should cause Nurse Ron to
suspect child abuse?
a. Flat affect
b. Expressing guilt
c. Acting overly solicitous toward the child.
d. Ignoring the child.

11. Nurse Lynnette notices that a female client with
obsessive-compulsive disorder washes her hands
for long periods each day. How should the nurse
respond to this compulsive behavior?
a. By designating times during which the
client can focus on the behavior.
b. By urging the client to reduce the
frequency of the behavior as rapidly as
c. By calling attention to or attempting to
prevent the behavior.
d. By discouraging the client from
verbalizing anxieties.

12. After seeking help at an outpatient mental
health clinic, Ruby who was raped while walking
her dog is diagnosed with posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD). Three months later, Ruby
returns to the clinic, complaining of fear, loss of
control, and helpless feelings. Which nursing
intervention is most appropriate for Ruby?
a. Recommending a high-protein, low-fat
b. Giving sleep medication, as prescribed,
to restore a normal sleep- wake cycle.
c. Allowing the client time to heal.
d. Exploring the meaning of the traumatic
event with the client.

13. Meryl, age 19, is highly dependent on her
parents and fears leaving home to go away to
college. Shortly before the semester starts, she
complains that her legs are paralyzed and is
rushed to the emergency department. When
physical examination rules out a physical cause
for her paralysis, the physician admits her to the
psychiatric unit where she is diagnosed with
conversion disorder. Meryl asks the nurse, "Why
has this happened to me?" What is the nurse's
best response?
a. "You've developed this paralysis so you
can stay with your parents. You must
deal with this conflict if you want to walk
b. "It must be awful not to be able to move
your legs. You may feel better if you
realize the problem is psychological, not
c. "Your problem is real but there is no
physical basis for it. We'll work on what
is going on in your life to find out why
it's happened."
d. "It isn't uncommon for someone with
your personality to develop a conversion
disorder during times of stress."

14. Nurse Krina knows that the following drugs have
been known to be effective in treating
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):
a. benztropine (Cogentin) and
diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
b. chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and
diazepam (Valium)
c. fluvoxamine (Luvox) and clomipramine
d. divalproex (Depakote) and lithium

15. Alfred was newly diagnosed with anxiety
disorder. The physician prescribed buspirone
(BuSpar). The nurse is aware that the teaching
instructions for newly prescribed buspirone
should include which of the following?
a. A warning about the drugs delayed
therapeutic effect, which is from 14 to
30 days.
b. A warning about the incidence of
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).
c. A reminder of the need to schedule
blood work in 1 week to check blood
levels of the drug.
d. A warning that immediate sedation can
occur with a resultant drop in pulse.

16. Richard with agoraphobia has been symptomfree
for 4 months. Classic signs and symptoms of
phobias include:
a. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate.
b. Severe anxiety and fear.
c. Depression and weight loss.
d. Withdrawal and failure to distinguish
reality from fantasy.

17. Which medications have been found to help
reduce or eliminate panic attacks?
a. Antidepressants
b. Anticholinergics
c. Antipsychotics
d. Mood stabilizers

18. A client seeks care because she feels depressed
and has gained weight. To treat her atypical
depression, the physician prescribes
tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate), 10 mg by
mouth twice per day. When this drug is used to
treat atypical depression, what is its onset of
a. 1 to 2 days
b. 3 to 5 days
c. 6 to 8 days
d. 10 to 14 days

19. A 65 years old client is in the first stage of
Alzheimer's disease. Nurse Patricia should plan
to focus this client's care on:
a. Offering nourishing finger foods to help
maintain the client's nutritional status.
b. Providing emotional support and
individual counseling.
c. Monitoring the client to prevent minor
illnesses from turning into major
d. Suggesting new activities for the client
and family to do together.

20. The nurse is assessing a client who has just been
admitted to the emergency department. Which
signs would suggest an overdose of an
antianxiety agent?
a. Combativeness, sweating, and confusion
b. Agitation, hyperactivity, and grandiose
c. Emotional lability, euphoria, and
impaired memory
d. Suspiciousness, dilated pupils, and
increased blood pressure

21. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with
antisocial personality disorder. The client has a
history of fighting, cruelty to animals, and
stealing. Which of the following traits would the
nurse be most likely to uncover during
a. History of gainful employment
b. Frequent expression of guilt regarding
antisocial behavior
c. Demonstrated ability to maintain close,
stable relationships
d. A low tolerance for frustration

22. Nurse Amy is providing care for a male client
undergoing opiate withdrawal. Opiate
withdrawal causes severe physical discomfort
and can be life-threatening. To minimize these
effects, opiate users are commonly detoxified
a. Barbiturates
b. Amphetamines
c. Methadone
d. Benzodiazepines

23. Nurse Cristina is caring for a client who
experiences false sensory perceptions with no
basis in reality. These perceptions are known as:
a. Delusions
b. Hallucinations
c. Loose associations
d. Neologisms

24. Nurse Marco is developing a plan of care for a
client with anorexia nervosa. Which action
should the nurse include in the plan?
a. Restricts visits with the family and
friends until the client begins to eat.
b. Provide privacy during meals.
c. Set up a strict eating plan for the client.
d. Encourage the client to exercise, which
will reduce her anxiety.

25. Tim is admitted with a diagnosis of delusions of
grandeur. The nurse is aware that this diagnosis
reflects a belief that one is:
a. Highly important or famous.
b. Being persecuted
c. Connected to events unrelated to
d. Responsible for the evil in the world.

26. Nurse Jen is caring for a male client with manic
depression. The plan of care for a client in a
manic state would include:
a. Offering a high-calorie meals and
strongly encouraging the client to finish
all food.
b. Insisting that the client remain active
through the day so that he’ll sleep at
c. Allowing the client to exhibit
hyperactive, demanding, manipulative
behavior without setting limits.
d. Listening attentively with a neutral
attitude and avoiding power struggles.

27. Ramon is admitted for detoxification after a
cocaine overdose. The client tells the nurse that
he frequently uses cocaine but that he can
control his use if he chooses. Which coping
mechanism is he using?
a. Withdrawal
b. Logical thinking
c. Repression
d. Denial

28. Richard is admitted with a diagnosis of
schizotypal personality disorder. hich signs
would this client exhibit during social situations?
a. Aggressive behavior
b. Paranoid thoughts
c. Emotional affect
d. Independence needs

29. Nurse Mickey is caring for a client diagnosed
with bulimia. The most appropriate initial goal
for a client diagnosed with bulimia is to:
a. Avoid shopping for large amounts of
b. Control eating impulses.
c. Identify anxiety-causing situations
d. Eat only three meals per day.

30. Rudolf is admitted for an overdose of
amphetamines. When assessing the client, the
nurse should expect to see:
a. Tension and irritability
b. Slow pulse
c. Hypotension
d. Constipation

31. Nicolas is experiencing hallucinations tells the
nurse, “The voices are telling me I’m no good.”
The client asks if the nurse hears the voices. The
most appropriate response by the nurse would
a. “It is the voice of your conscience, which
only you can control.”
b. “No, I do not hear your voices, but I
believe you can hear them”.
c. “The voices are coming from within you
and only you can hear them.”
d. “Oh, the voices are a symptom of your
illness; don’t pay any attention to them.”

32. The nurse is aware that the side effect of
electroconvulsive therapy that a client may
a. Loss of appetite
b. Postural hypotension
c. Confusion for a time after treatment
d. Complete loss of memory for a time

33. A dying male client gradually moves toward
resolution of feelings regarding impending
death. Basing care on the theory of Kubler-Ross,
Nurse Trish plans to use nonverbal interventions
when assessment reveals that the client is in the:
a. Anger stage
b. Denial stage
c. Bargaining stage
d. Acceptance stage

34. The outcome that is unrelated to a crisis state is:
a. Learning more constructive coping skills
b. Decompensation to a lower level of
c. Adaptation and a return to a prior level
of functioning.
d. A higher level of anxiety continuing for
more than 3 months.

35. Miranda a psychiatric client is to be discharged
with orders for haloperidol (haldol) therapy.
When developing a teaching plan for discharge,
the nurse should include cautioning the client
a. Driving at night
b. Staying in the sun
c. Ingesting wines and cheeses
d. Taking medications containing aspirin

36. Jen a nursing student is anxious about the
upcoming board examination but is able to study
intently and does not become distracted by a
roommate’s talking and loud music. The
student’s ability to ignore distractions and to
focus on studying demonstrates:
a. Mild-level anxiety
b. Panic-level anxiety
c. Severe-level anxiety
d. Moderate-level anxiety

37. When assessing a premorbid personality
characteristic of a client with a major
depression, it would be unusual for the nurse to
find that this client demonstrated:
a. Rigidity
b. Stubbornness
c. Diverse interest
d. Over meticulousness

38. Nurse Krina recognizes that the suicidal risk for
depressed client is greatest:
a. As their depression begins to improve
b. When their depression is most severe
c. Before any type of treatment is started
d. As they lose interest in the environment

39. Nurse Kate would expect that a client with
vascular dementis would experience:
a. Loss of remote memory related to
b. Loss of abstract thinking related to
emotional state
c. Inability to concentrate related to
decreased stimuli
d. Disturbance in recalling recent events
related to cerebral hypoxia.            

40. Josefina is to be discharged on a regimen of
lithium carbonate. In the teaching plan for
discharge the nurse should include:
a. Advising the client to watch the diet
b. Suggesting that the client take the pills
with milk
c. Reminding the client that a CBC must be
done once a month.
d. Encouraging the client to have blood
levels checked as ordered.

41. The psychiatrist orders lithium carbonate 600
mg p.o t.i.d for a female client. Nurse Katrina
would be aware that the teachings about the
side effects of this drug were understood when
the client state, “I will call my doctor
immediately if I notice any:
a. Sensitivity to bright light or sun
b. Fine hand tremors or slurred speech
c. Sexual dysfunction or breast
d. Inability to urinate or difficulty when

42. Nurse Mylene recognizes that the most
important factor necessary for the establishment
of trust in a critical care area is:
a. Privacy
b. Respect
c. Empathy
d. Presence

43. When establishing an initial nurse-client
relationship, Nurse Hazel should explore with
the client the:
a. Client’s perception of the presenting
b. Occurrence of fantasies the client may
c. Details of any ritualistic acts carried out
by the client
d. Client’s feelings when external; controls
are instituted.

44. Tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate) is prescribed
for a depressed client who has not responded to
the tricyclic antidepressants. After teaching the
client about the medication, Nurse Marian
evaluates that learning has occurred when the
client states, “I will avoid:
a. Citrus fruit, tuna, and yellow
b. Chocolate milk, aged cheese, and
c. Green leafy vegetables, chicken, and
d. Whole grains, red meats, and
carbonated soda.”

45. Nurse John is a aware that most crisis situations
should resolve in about:
a. 1 to 2 weeks
b. 4 to 6 weeks
c. 4 to 6 months
d. 6 to 12 months

46. Nurse Judy knows that statistics show that in
adolescent suicide behavior:
a. Females use more dramatic methods
than males
b. Males account for more attempts than
do females
c. Females talk more about suicide before
attempting it
d. Males are more likely to use lethal
methods than are females

47. Dervid with paranoid schizophrenia repeatedly
uses profanity during an activity therapy session.
Which response by the nurse would be most
a. "Your behavior won't be tolerated. Go to
your room immediately."
b. "You're just doing this to get back at me
for making you come to therapy."
c. "Your cursing is interrupting the activity.
Take time out in your room for 10
d. "I'm disappointed in you. You can't
control yourself even for a few minutes."

48. Nurse Maureen knows that the nonantipsychotic
medication used to treat some clients with
schizoaffective disorder is:
a. phenelzine (Nardil)
b. chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
c. lithium carbonate (Lithane)
d. imipramine (Tofranil)

49. Which information is most important for the
nurse Trinity to include in a teaching plan for a
male schizophrenic client taking clozapine
a. Monthly blood tests will be necessary.
b. Report a sore throat or fever to the
physician immediately.
c. Blood pressure must be monitored for
d. Stop the medication when symptoms

50. Ricky with chronic schizophrenia takes
neuroleptic medication is admitted to the
psychiatric unit. Nursing assessment reveals
rigidity, fever, hypertension, and diaphoresis.
These findings suggest which life- threatening
a. Tardive dyskinesia.
b. Dystonia.
c. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

d. Akathisia.